Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Asda Price Promise Money Back Bonanza

Asda Offer Price Guarantee website.

This site is fabulous!

Not to mention really easy to use.

Of course I was very sceptical at first but after it had worked three times for a good friend of mine I thought I really must try.

Asda’s slogan ‘SAVING YOU MONEY EVERY DAY’ really does come into it’s own on this one.
Asda have a site www.asdapriceguarantee.co.uk where all you do is simply copy from you receipt details that they ask for. They then compare the prices on your Asda receipt to several supermarkets including the obvious Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrisions. Then also Waitrose and Ocado.  Asda promise that if your shopping bill is cheaper anywhere else they will give you that amount plus 10% in a voucher. 

Not only does the Asda receipt have to be cheaper than all the rest but actually has to be 10% or over cheaper.My own receipt was for £11.33 and I entered all the details quickly and simply. Surprisingly that day Waitrose was cheaper so I received a £0.97 voucher.

I shall be doing this on every Asda shop and saving my vouchers together to get hopefully one big free shop!

There is only one down fall and that is that you have to wait until the next day to put your receipt in. So always remember to keep the receipt save for one whole day. Unlike what I usually do is either, screw it up and throw it into the depths of my handbag or leave it in the carrier bag where it will then be stuffed in a draw and never seen again until the dog goes for a walk in which case after cleaning up after the dog I would never try to fish the receipt from the bag!

Remember every penny counts, you can only ever spend it once so why spend too much?

Cheers Mrs G xxx

1 comment:

  1. If you have completed an on line shop there is no need to keep receipt but you need to leave it 48 hours before you check the price challenge. It then takes you to your log in, very quick and easy, then you get your voucher straight into your online account within 7 days.
